Your Child’s Focus And Confidence Will
Skyrocket In Fun Filled Martial Arts Classes
Martial Arts is not just about kicking and punching.
Your child will learn to stay safe,be stronger mentally and physically, inside & out.
3-4 yrs
Beginner classes for 3-4
year old kids.
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5-6 yrs
Beginner classes for
5-6 year old kids.
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7-12 yrs
Beginner classes for
7-12 year old kids.
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Every parent wants their child to have skills to get them through life.
Particularly for the moments we are not around.
Parents hope their kids keep focused at school.
Carry themselves with confidence to tackle life’s challenges.
Building confidence & self esteem are important for a child to grow up happy & secure… and for parents peace of mind.
Parents feel frustrated because their child:
- Lacks Focus or ability to follow instructions well.
- Is shy, has low Self Esteem and clings to their parents, particularly when trying new things.
- Hates team sports and would rather not play sport at all.
- Has been the victim of Bullying and has lost complete Self Confidence & Self Esteem.
Before starting Martial Arts, most parents felt that their child;
- Found it difficult to focus on tasks and finish them.
- Were not able to stay focused for extended periods of time.
- Was coming home from school upset due to some form of bullying.
- This made the parent feel helpless and unsure on how to handle the situation.
- Their Child’s Self Esteem and Confidence was quite low.
- This was a real concern for parents particularly when the child was at school.
Parents are amazed that after a few weeks in Martial Arts their child is;
- More Confident at school.
- Stays Focused in class and home.
- Has Improved Coordination.
- Has learnt some Bully Prevention strategies just in case the need arises.
We have put together this amazing offer. So every child has the opportunity to try Martial Arts with “no strings attached”.
We have added extra age-specific beginner classes at all centres
Beginner classes for:
3 – 4 yrs
5 – 6 yrs
7 – 12 yrs
Kids and Parents Speak Out
Kids and Parents Speak Out
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Martial Arts make my child violent ?
Absolutely not! One of the first things covered in the very first lesson is that Martial Arts is not for kicking and punching people.
Instead, we teach kids self-defense as a tool for personal growth and development. Kids learn to treat others as they want to be treated. They learn to respect all living things – from their parents to pets.
Often, kids who were violent before they joined our class changed, and became non-violent. So no, martial arts won’t make your child violent!
What is the right age to start?
We have programs for kids who are 3 years old all the way to teenagers. And we even have programs for adults.
Martial Arts is for every age . No child is too young or too old.
We have a class that fits just right.
My Child is really shy. How will i get them to participate ?
Every child is different. Your child will be assigned their instructor for their Introductory classes who will slowly build a rapport with your child. Its ok if your child wants you in the class at the start to feel comfortable and ease them through the first class.
Eventually they will be kissing you goodbye at the door while you watch them in our parents area while they flourish in their classes.
My Child doesn’t play other sports and is uncoordinated.
Does your child love running and exercising but just doesn’t seem to fit into team sports? They’re not alone. Many kids are like this.
Team sports are not for everyone. In fact, team sports can often hurt your child’s self-esteem if they’re just really not cut out for it.
Martial Arts allows children to progress at their own pace. No team pressure! Children learn to set and achieve GOALS continually. Thats what develops their SELF ESTEEM.
Look what some of our parents have to say!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Martial Arts make my child violent ?
Absolutely not! One of the first things covered in the very first lesson is that Martial Arts is not for kicking and punching people.
Instead, we teach kids self-defense as a tool for personal growth and development. Kids learn to treat others as they want to be treated. They learn to respect all living things – from their parents to pets.
Often, kids who were violent before they joined our class changed, and became non-violent. So no, martial arts won’t make your child violent!
What is the right age to start?
We have programs for kids who are 3 years old all the way to teenagers. And we even have programs for adults.
Martial Arts is for every age . No child is too young or too old.
We have a class that fits just right.
My Child is really shy. How will i get them to participate ?
Every child is different. Your child will be assigned their instructor for their Introductory classes who will slowly build a rapport with your child. Its ok if your child wants you in the class at the start to feel comfortable and ease them through the first class.
Eventually they will be kissing you goodbye at the door while you watch them in our parents area while they flourish in their classes.
My Child doesn’t play other sports and is uncoordinated.
Does your child love running and exercising but just doesn’t seem to fit into team sports? They’re not alone. Many kids are like this.
Team sports are not for everyone. In fact, team sports can often hurt your child’s self-esteem if they’re just really not cut out for it.
Martial Arts allows children to progress at their own pace. No team pressure! Children learn to set and achieve GOALS continually. Thats what develops their SELF ESTEEM.
Look what some of our parents have to say!
Parents are amazed that after a few weeks in Martial Arts their child is
More Confident at school.
Stays Focused in class and home.
Has Improved Coordination
Has learnt some Bully Prevention strategies just in case the need arises.